Complete solution for your Education needs

At Rainbow Abroad Study Pvt. Ltd., we believe that education knows no boundaries. As a leading consultancy situated in Nepal, we are dedicated to empowering Nepali students to thrive in global education. With a team of experienced professionals and a strong network of prestigious universities and colleges worldwide, we strive to make studying abroad a seamless and rewarding experience for our students.

NAT test
JFT test
JLPT test

Our mission at Rainbow Abroad Study Consultancy is to empower Nepali students with the knowledge, resources, and guidance they need to access quality education abroad. We are committed to providing personalized support, comprehensive services, and accurate information to help students achieve their academic and career goals. Through our dedication and expertise, we aim to transform dreams into reality and contribute to the growth and development of individuals and communities.

Our vision is to be the leading consultancy in Nepal, recognized for our excellence in facilitating study abroad opportunities. We aspire to be a trusted partner for students, offering comprehensive services that encompass all aspects of the study abroad journey. We envision a future where Nepali students have equal access to international education, allowing them to broaden their horizons, acquire global perspectives, and become successful global citizens. We strive to continuously innovate and adapt to changing educational landscapes, while maintaining our commitment to personalized service and student success.


Even slightly believable. If you are going use a passage of Lorem Ipsum need




School / College/ University






Visa Guidance


Pre-Departure Support

Message from
Founder / Director / Principal

Even slightly believable. If you are going use a passage of Lorem Ipsum need

Rupchan Tamang

Founder / Director / Principal

I am writing to you today as the Founder / Director / Principal of our Rainbow Abroad Study Pvt. Ltd. to share an important message. Whether you are just beginning your academic journey or approaching the end of your studies, I want to emphasize the significance of this phase in your life and the tremendous potential you possess.

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Our Team

Even slightly believable. If you are going use a passage of Lorem Ipsum need

Kumar Tamang


Meeta Tamang


Samir Dhakal

Language Instructor

Purushottam Pandey

Language Instructor

Dinesh Swar

Language Instructor