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How you can Prepare Online for Abroad Study ?

How you can Prepare Online for Abroad Study ?

Preparing for studying abroad can be a challenging task, especially for students from Nepal. However, with the help of technology, there are many resources available online that can assist Nepalese students in preparing for their studies abroad. Here are some steps that Nepalese students can take to prepare for studying abroad online: In summary, preparing […]

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Which Country Neplease Student Should Prefer and Why?

Which Country Neplease Student Should Prefer and Why?

As a Nepalese student, the choice of which country to prefer over Australia, Canada, USA, UK, and New Zealand will depend on several factors, including education opportunities, cost of living, immigration policies, job prospects, and personal circumstances. All of these countries have a lot to offer to Nepalese students, but some factors to consider are: […]

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Education System in Australia VS Education System in Nepal

Education System in Australia VS Education System in Nepal

The education system of Australia and Nepal differ significantly in terms of structure, organization, curriculum, and quality. Structure and Organization:In Australia, the education system is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Primary education begins at the age of 5-6 years and continues until the age of 11-12 years, followed by secondary education, which lasts […]

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